Let the Right One In by Stanley Mutanga in Leopard Stone

Let the Right One In by Stanley Mutanga in Leopard Stone

Regular price$2,500.00 CAD
This work depicts the sun and moon as binaries. Explains weMbizi: “Some people come into your life and they bring you light. Some people bring shadow. Be careful to let the right one in.”

“Let the right one in” was carved from a single block of leopard stone acquired in 2017 with financing from Gunguo Art and History Farm. It was mined by artists Luxon Karise and Nicholas Kadzungura who are colleagues of Stanley Mutanga and companions in the Simukai Project. Leopard Stone is one of the hardest serpentines. Its vivid green colouration and spotted patterning made it one of the most popular traditional stones used during the past 10 years.